Weekly Maintenance Charge Current WMC is £120.
Included in the WMC Central Heating, Hot Water & Electricity included
Residents are Responsible for Council Tax, Water, Telephone, TV Licence, Internal Cleaning.
Council Tax Enquiries indicate the property to be in Council Tax Band "A" with an annual charge of £1,465.36, 2024/2025.
Occupancy Requirements The Homes are available to single ladies aged 55 or over, who are currently resident in King's Lynn, have been resident, or have a connection with the town. All applications will be considered on their individual merits and with consideration to the existing community. (N.B. The Homes are not warden controlled and care facilities are not provided)
Viewing Further details and arrangements for viewing may be obtained from LANDLES.
IMPORTANT NOTES LANDLES for themselves and for the Vendors or Lessors of this property whose Agents they are give notice that (i) the particulars are produced in good faith and are set out as a general guide only do not constitute any part of a contract and LANDLES accepts no responsibility for any error omission or mis-statement in these particulars (ii) no person in the employment of LANDLES has any authority to make or give any representation or warranty whatever in relation to this property (iii) any plans produced on these particulars are for illustrative purposes only and are not to scale, any area or other measurements stated are subject to measured survey (iv) unless specifically referred to in these particulars any chattels, garden furniture or statuary, equipment, trade machinery or stock, fittings etc is excluded from the sale or letting whether appearing in images or not (v) Applicants should make their own independent enquiries into current USE or past use of the property, any necessary permissions for use and occupation and any potential uses that may be required (vi) all prices and rents are quoted subject to contract and NET of VAT unless otherwise stated (vii) the Agents take no responsibility for any costs applicants may incur in viewing the property, making enquiries or submitting offers (viii) any EPC indicated in these particulars is produced independently of LANDLES and no warranty is given or implied as to its accuracy or completeness.